
Our lives reflect what our instrument is playing...we are the instrument! 

Playing a new tune begins with understanding where the music comes from....

We need to understand and hear our own music as it is playing! Once we can do that we can hear, more accurately, what others are trying to say as well, not only with words! This exploration is an effort to further internalize the very powerful messages contained within storylines as these amazing musicians share their tunes, tones, and words. It is delivered, in fact, we are delivered musically as well as experientially within their songs as they play them out. We are shown over and over again how that can impact our own lives, as well as amplify lessons and deliver us from the shackles of limitation among other challenges we may see in front of us! I encourage you to explore music and the many ways it can help us understand new things experientially as well as to enable us to free the mind and explore new realms! Freedom is key, and there is most definitely FREEDOM in music! Not only in the way it is delivered with amazing instruments, and the lyrics that are amongst us, but these can be powerful lesson books if we can listen and hear with new ears!  We can compound learning as the various lessons they deliver are revealed! As they are delivered, so are we....

Your music matters, how you play it matters, being the instrument can be fun, make it fun! 

More content coming soon.....
I'll show you ways you can make it fun and the mental angles that help!
FIRST STEP the book!

Stepping out of the "Darkness"...check out this amazing song!

YOU TUBE VIDEO: Sharon Den Adel, My Indigo, Out of the darkness:

Wake up! That's the message I hear.... "Can I?" In other words, when I am in a dark thought, or "darkness", what has me captivated? What has me "blinded"? What has me in it's GRIP? Is it a fear, a heightened emotion, guilt, regret, desire, anger? Pay very close attention, darkness arrives on our doorstep in many shapes and forms, it is a CHOICE to let it in(OR NOT!).  Be aware and conscious and even if that thought grabs you momentarily, there is a LIGHT that still shines brightly within you, FIND IT! The light of your awareness will cast away any and all dark thoughts the moment you shine your inner light on it! That inner light will take you home, peace, love, happiness, comfort, even JOY are a thought away....Your presence, YOUR LIGHT shines brightly and you CAN.  That's the answer to the question, YES, you can CHOOSE LOVE & LIGHT! Choose it!


Thanks to Sharon den Adel for the amazing message and delivery in this song! Step out of the darkness, it's a choice, but first you must see it as a choice :) You do that with awareness that a choice is being made.... and choose the light vs the darkness!

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