I am assuming you read the book in order to "review" this material to deepen your understanding / gain additional insights.  Hopefully that means experientially!  The various mental angles and tools offered here are for further exploration and  implementation!  The book is extremely thorough in addressing the many topics that are discussed here. In fact, the book is progressive, and complete. It is very well outlined & detailed in order to take you through things, step by step, where  as this blog is going to be more of a "SPOT" treatment, so to speak. In an effort to examine topics that you all are asking about, this is intended to answer additional questions, and further examine topics as they bubble up from within this community. So, by all means, please share your questions and concerns! All I ask is that you be respectful of others and understand that we all start where we start, and that means it is not the same place!   This blog, and the various articles shared here will probe the depths and challenge the limits :)  I encourage you to do the same. ENJOY! 


This is dedicated to themes relative to prayers, intent, visualization, methodologies, presence, time, wants, needs, desire, attachment, etc. 


Discussions about great songs that are relevant in today's world, thought, the EGO, GOD, Prayer, Bible themes, etc.


This is geared towards EGO related topics, higher "SELF" vs lower "selves", as well as all the shenanigans, mischief, and deception the ego is capable of!


Specific passages, themes, faith, love, forgiveness, GOD, etc.


MIND STUFF.....The moment, how to get there, what that means, focus, energy, the "FLOW" state! Time and how it affects us...



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